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Tuesday, 9 August 2011

A quick catch up

Like many of you summer holidays are a total new routine , even thou my daughter is a teenager and don't see her much Only when she needs money etc she has just come back from a week in Tunisia with a friend and her family and she loved it and didn't Miss me sob , then we had her brother over night confused ha. Yes i look after my exs little boy he is 6 and lovely we all get on fine (most of the time) he loves staying with Charlotte we went blackberry picking with friends which was nice luckily no fields we went through had big animals in not a lover of walking through cows or horses .

This week I have there dog Harry for a week as there in Singapore he is lush he has few problems he is deaf and liver and skull problem and can have fits luckily i have not witnessed this yet nut he gets on really well with my dog so it's a doggy sleepover .

The highlight of this week was crochet club turn up Monday night And two newbies one argintinaian lady who does holistic massage think that's right and the other a MAN yes a real one he is young married and seems really nice very interesting as he. Wood turns and makes his own hooks all different wood really clever he can sew,crochet,woodturn he crotchet a whole square in an hour hmm show off he has four children the youngest two are disabled with undiagnosed genetic problems they can have a turn in 20 mins and have to call the air ambulance or ambulance he does not work as has to be nearby at all times how sad so he crochets as spends so much time at hospital. How lovely is that .

To finish my update we had tug of war at cranleigh show at the weekend and this was my favourite picture plus had to take this for gem over at cherry tree


Off to Bedford this weekend for tug of war uk championships so busy weekend as also daughters 15th birthday and she is meant to be going to London on bus with friend to stay with her auntie lou not sure thou with riots on she may not be going its all so sad I Am proud to be British but it's so horrid seeing all this go on the pictures can not comprehend how scary it would be to be nearby .


  1. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that my blog is SUCH a success, I got myself a van and then decided to make a bit of chutney. Ahem!
    Thanks for that pic, very cool, a Cherry Tree van!!
    Sounds like your daughter is having fun - bet you worry yourself sick when she is away.
    How interesting re a man doing crochet.
    How is it all going?
    And yes you ARE the spit of Tina O Brien and I thought that when I first saw your pic.
    I think Cuckoo looks like Mary Poppins.

  2. Mary Poppins????? What is Gem on about? Although some one once said I looked like Maria from the sound of Music so maybe she has a point....can't see it myself. I wish though!

    Is it really so long ago that I saw you out side Lloyds bank in Winkie pushing a tiny little Charlotte? God lord, I suppose it must be. Blimey!

